Why It’s Smart to Drain Your Hottub If It Won’t Be Used for an Extended Period of Time

Owning an outdoor hottub is a delightful way to unwind, but what happens when life gets busy, and you find yourself neglecting your bubbly haven for an extended period? In this blog post, we explore the reasons why it’s advisable to drain your hottub if left unused for a prolonged duration.


1. Water Quality Maintenance:

   When a hottub remains unused for an extended period, the water quality can deteriorate due to factors like stagnation, temperature fluctuations, and exposure to the elements. Draining the water helps to reset the system, ensuring that when you return, you’ll be greeted by fresh, clean water, ready for your relaxation.


2. Preventing Bacterial Growth:

   Stagnant water becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms. Draining the hottub eliminates the risk of bacterial growth, ensuring that when you decide to use it again, you’re not exposing yourself to potential health hazards.


3. Avoiding Equipment Damage:

   The components of a hottub, including pumps, heaters, and filters, are designed to operate efficiently in water. However, when left unused, these components may be subjected to conditions that can lead to corrosion or other damage. Draining the water helps protect the longevity and functionality of your hottub’s essential parts.


4. Preventing Scale Buildup:

   Water naturally contains minerals, and over time, these minerals can accumulate and form scale deposits on the surfaces of the hottub. Draining the water periodically prevents scale buildup, ensuring that your hottub’s interior remains clean and free from potentially damaging mineral deposits.


5. Energy Efficiency:

   An empty hottub is more energy-efficient than one filled with stagnant water. Running a hottub with water that has been sitting for an extended period requires additional energy to heat and maintain the desired temperature. Draining the water when not in use contributes to energy savings and a more eco-friendly hottub ownership.


6. Ease of Cleaning:

   Draining the water allows you to thoroughly clean and sanitize the hottub’s interior. This includes cleaning the shell, filters, and other components, ensuring that you start fresh with a spa that’s not only inviting but also hygienic.


7. Seasonal Considerations:

   In regions with extreme weather conditions, draining the hottub before winter can prevent freezing and potential damage to the plumbing and equipment. Proper winterization, including draining the water, is crucial for protecting your investment.


While the idea of an outdoor hottub is synonymous with relaxation and enjoyment, responsible ownership involves periodic maintenance, especially during extended periods of non-use. Draining the water not only preserves the integrity of your hottub but also ensures a rejuvenating and worry-free experience each time you decide to indulge in the soothing warmth of your outdoor haven. Remember, the key to a long-lasting and efficient hottub is a balance between enjoyment and responsible maintenance.