We agreed that for the sake of health, please keep swimming exercise

Some people have said: health is 1, career, wealth, marriage, reputation and so on are 0, with the front 1, the back 0 is valuable, only the more the better. If the first one is gone, the number of zeros after it doesn’t matter.

2023 has come to remind the busy self: each of us, the body, not only belongs to themselves, but also the whole family, the whole society. If you don’t exercise, it’ll be too late… Therefore, we agreed to keep swimming together for the sake of our health!
The distance between you and health is only a habit.
The international community has put forward sixteen words for healthy lifestyle and behavior: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, and psychological balance. Many friends say: this requires perseverance, I don’t have the willpower.
In fact, behavioral research shows that sticking to three weeks, initially become a habit, three months, stable habits, half a year, solid habits. Let’s take action to protect our health.

Want to slow the aging process? Weight-bearing exercises preserve muscle mass.
Do you know why people age? The main cause of aging is muscle loss. You see the old man trembling, his muscles can not hold, the muscle fiber is born how many, each person is how many, fixed, and then from about 30 years old, if you do not deliberately exercise muscles, year by year lost, lost speed is still very fast, to 75 years old, how much muscle left? 50%. Half is gone.
So exercise, especially weight-bearing exercise, is the best way to preserve muscle. Both the American Heart Association and the World Health Organization recommend that people 65 and older do eight to 10 strength exercises two to three times a week. And swimming is a whole body exercise, exercising the most muscle groups! 
If you don’t exercise, it’ll be too late.
The World Health Organization summarizes the world’s four major causes of death, the first three causes of death are blood pressure, smoking, high blood sugar, the fourth cause of death is lack of exercise. Every year, more than three million people around the world die because of lack of exercise, and our current national exercise rate, the required exercise rate is very low, several national surveys are basically ten percent, and middle-aged people are the lowest exercise rate. Exercise more than three times a week, no less than half an hour each time, exercise intensity equivalent to brisk walking, how many people meet these three conditions?
Through lifestyle and behavior adjustment, strengthen exercise. What effect does that have? It can prevent 80 percent of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, and it can prevent 55 percent of hypertension, which refers to essential hypertension, because some of the high blood pressure is caused by diseases of other organs, not included. What else can be prevented? 40% of tumors, that’s the global level. For our country, 60% of the tumors in China can be prevented, because most of the tumors in China are caused by living habits and infectious factors.

Each of us has a body, not just our own, we have a responsibility to our family, to our children, to our parents, to society. Therefore, we must pay attention to our own physical health early in order to be able to take the responsibility that we should be able to take.

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